Business Owners Guide
Thinking about opening a business on or near the Harrisonville Square? We’d love to talk to you and see how we can help! Please review the information and resources below to get started.
We also recommend that you first contact the Community Development Department at the City of Harrisonville (816-380-8958) to determine if your business concept is allowed and get the most up to date applications.
Regulations - CBD-1
These zoning regulations are the first stop to determine if your business is allowed on the historic square. This section covers the Downtown Core Business District.
Regulations - CBD-2
This section of zoning regulations covers the allowed uses for the Downtown Fringe Business District.
Aerial View of the Historic Square
The Historic Preservation Commission of the City of Harrisonville oversees this area of the square to maintain the historic quality of the buildings within the National Historic Preservation District. Buildings outside this district are not under the HPC but are still under the oversight of Community Development.
Application for Building Permit
Most improvements to a building will require a building permit.
Application for Business License
It is important to contact the city to see what business uses are allowed in the zoning district. You can check those out under the pages Regulations CBD-1 and CBD-2 Zoning included in this section.
Application for Certificate of Appropriateness
Any exterior improvement must be approved by the Historic Preservation Commission. Windows, siding, paint, exterior signage, facia, parapets, and other exterior elements.
Application for Contractor License
Any contractor who works on building improvements inside or outside must have a city issued contractor license.
Application for Rezoning & Special Use
Some uses require the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board of Aldermen to approve the use. This is the application to submit and start that process.
Application for Sign Permit
Any exterior signage must be approved by the city before installation. There are rules about size and location on buildings.
Love the Square Footprint Business Type Map
A map of the current business type mix within the Love the Harrisonville Square footprint.
Guidelines: Commercial Permits
A helpful listing of requirements for any commercial construction or remodeling.
Historic Preservation Commission Guidebook
These are the rules regarding exterior work and the guidelines Community Development follows when a construction permit is submitted for changes to the exterior of a building. Some minor items may be approved without going to HPC, but they are very limited. HPC approval will be required before a permit can be issued.
Map - Historic Square Zoning
This is a picture of the square and the zoning districts that encompass it. Check with the city for the latest zoning map.
Guide to Operating a Business in Harrisonville
This is a summary of the requirements to run a business in the city. This information is for all zoning districts within the city limits.
Requirements - Business License
This list is directly out of the municipal code of ordinances and what will be required to get a business license in the city.
Small Business Administration
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) offers a number of resources, tools and programs to help small business owners and entrepreneurs pursue the American dream.
The is managed by the Department of Health and Human Services and is an E-Government initiative operating under the governance of the Office of Management and Budget with information on a number of grant programs for different needs.