Antique Tractor Show Highlights

The 2nd Annual Antique Tractor Show grew in attendance by nearly 200 this year, bringing over 500 to the historic Square!

Those that attended the event shopped from over 25 local vendors at the Harrisonville Farmer’s Market as well as the businesses on the Square.
Eleven outstanding antique tractors competed for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes generously donated by Family Center Farm & Home of Harrisonville. Our winners included:
- 1st Place: Vince Zumwalt – 1930 15-22 Massey Harris 4WD
- 2nd Place: Bob & Debbie Surber – 1959 John Deere 730 Diesel
- 3rd Place: Mike Collings – 1935 John Deere B

Kids (and some adults) enjoyed the fun station where hula hoops were a big hit! The coloring contest was popular with approximately 50 entries! 4 prizes were awarded by our judges to ages ranging from 4 to 12.

The South Cass Tribune awarded prizes for their annual biggest tomato and funkiest fruit or vegetable contests.

Love the Harrisonville Square volunteers pitched in to offer hot dogs, snacks and drinks to hungry event-goers and were happy to donate remaining hot dogs to fellow non-profit Hope Haven.
Early conversations with business owners on the Square have been very positive. Many event attendees remarked on how pleased they were to have events like this on the Square and are encouraged by the renewed interest in the historic district.

If you’re interested in getting involved as a volunteer or member of a committee, please click here.