Welcome Back to the Square!

On Saturday, June 13, 2020, Love the Harrisonville Square celebrated the Summer season and the re-opening of our Square District businesses following the COVID-19 shutdowns of the Spring months.
The day kicked off with the Farmers and Artists Market on Lexington Street. Love the Harrisonville Square volunteers handed out free tote bags to shoppers while they lasted. They also chatted with them about the Shop n Snap contest for gift cards to the district businesses. Many market vendors sold out of products near the end of the day as over 300 shoppers visited, looking for local, homegrown and homemade items.
The Brick House Coffee Bar & Eatery was a popular stop for coffee and breakfast during the morning and Bodeez Bar & Grill was a great lunchtime destination. Many shoppers followed up their shopping on the Square with a trip to Artisan’s Corner on Wall and Shiver’s Ice House for a cold treat.
During the evening hours, the Junk in the Trunk Flea Market hosted their first market of the season. Despite the heat, vendors filled three sides of the historic Square and a number shoppers came out to hunt for bargains. Love the Harrisonville Square volunteers had bottled water and masks available for purchase during the event. They were alson on hand to assist vendors with questions or chat about the organization and upcoming events.
Many business owners reported a busy, but fun shopping day and Love the Harrisonville Square volunteers enjoyed the great photos submitted in the contest. We were pleased to have seven lucky winners and look forward to more seasonal fun this Summer!